Founding Member of the NBCCBiography and Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce Profile
The Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce (ILBCC) is the largest, most active voice for African American businesses in the state of Illinois. The organization was incorporated in 1997 through the work of the National Black Chamber of Commerce and Founder, President/CEO Mr. Larry D. Ivory is also past Chairman of the Board of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. Our objective is to help promote job creation and growth amongst African American businesses.
Subsequently we have emerged to become the leading advocate and go to source for many state and local entities as well as corporations to promote these very principles
Through our strong membership base and network of local chapters, we proactively work to promote a healthier business climate and economic empowerment through entrepreneurship.
Current & Past Positions:
- National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC), Past Chairman of the Board and MidWest Regional Vice President. The NBCC is the largest Black business association in the world representing more than 2 million Black owned businesses in the United States. The NBCC also has affiliate chapters based in the Bahamas, Brazil, Colombia, Jamaica, France, and different countries in Africa.
- Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce (ILBCC), President/CEO. The ILBCC is an advocate for minority business rights and opportunities at the state level. Mr. Ivory has been instrumental in making the ILBCC a model for the country. He has received request from individuals in Hawaii, Boston, Alabama, North Carolina, New Jersey, and Utah for his assistance in starting Black Chambers and for him to be a speaker on various programs/panels across the country.
- Procurement Policy Board, Board Member. Mr. Ivory was appointed by Illinois Senate President John Cullerton to the Procurement Policy Board which has the authority and responsibility to review, comment upon, and recommend, consistent with the Procurement Code, rules and practices governing the procurement, management, control, and disposal of supplies, services, professional and artistic services, construction and real property, and capital improvement leases procured by the State of Illinois. This Board is comprised of five (5) members, one each appointed by the legislative leaders and one by the Governor. Mr. Ivory is the first African American to serve on this Board.
- Com Ed Advisory Board meets with the President/CEO of Com Ed and leaders throughout Illinois to discuss and review energy issues related to Com Ed.
- China Trade Mission Committee partners with the Governor to work on bringing jobs and opportunities from China and other countries to Illinois.
- Illinois Black Political Action Committee (IBPAC), President/Founder. The IBPAC contributes money to political figures who serve the political agenda of black businesses throughout the state of Illinois.
- Business Leadership Council in Chicago, Council Member. Mr. Ivory was selected by the President of Com Ed and Mr. John Rogers, Chairman/CEO of Ariel Investments to serve on this Council. Mr. Ivory is the only downstate business leader to serve on this council.
- Innovative Construction and Technology Committee for Bradley University, Executive Board Member. This committee hosts an annual conference which construction companies from around the world attend.
- Business Enterprise Council for Central Management Services, Council Member. Mr. Ivory was appointed by the Governor to this council which oversees and helps to improve minority contracting opportunities in the state of Illinois.
- Northern Regional Advisory Board for the Capital Development Board (CDB), Board Member. The CDB is the construction management agency for construction and renovation of Illinois state government buildings and facilities.
- County of Peoria Minority Business Ad-Hoc Committee, Member. The Ad-Hoc Committee’s goal is to improve minority participation in the county of Peoria.
- Elgin-O’Hare Bypass Advisory Council, Member. Mr. Ivory was appointed by Governor Pat Quinn to serve on this council which oversees a 3.6 billion dollar project.
- Peoria Black Chamber of Commerce, Ltd. (PBCC), Board Member/Founder/Past Chairman of the Board/CEO. The PBCC is a trade organization with a primary objective to help improve the economic conditions of Black businesses and Black people in Peoria, Illinois through advocacy and training. The PBCC worked as a consultant for the Illinois Department of Transportation’s Targeted Assistance Program (TAP). Under Mr. Ivory’s leadership, this program became a model for the state of Illinois. Larry has been asked to give input and to be on a taskforces throughout the state of Illinois including Chicago and East St. Louis.
- Central Illinois Black Expo, Ltd., (CIBEL), President. CIBEL is an organization that creates networking opportunities for minority businesses and provides a forum for corporate businesses to focus on the hiring and recruitment of African Americans and other minorities in the downstate area.
- Mr. Ivory was appointed June 2012 to serve on the Eastern Bypass Coalition Board of Directors. The eastern bypass will facilitate more efficient traffic movement, relieve traffic congestion, encourage economic development, create a more balanced tax base, result in a more balanced result in a mobile workforce and improve the area's global competitive position.
- Mr. Ivory was also a member of the Peoria Race Relations Commission and was appointed by Mayor Jim Ardis on the Peoria Police Commission.